Ectropion (see image below) is a condition when the eyelid rotates outwards. When the eyelid turns outwards or droops away from the eye, the affected eye can become exposed resulting in dry sore eyes, excessive watering or damage to the surface of the eye, potentially affecting the vision. Again, this is most commonly seen with tissue laxity that comes with age, however scarring of the mid-face can also cause the eyelids to droop.
Entropion is a condition when the eyelid rotates inwards. This often results in the eyelashes rubbing on the surface of the eye, causing discomfort and watering. If left untreated, permanent damage to the front of the eye could result in sight impairment. The commonest cause of this is sagging of the eyelids with age, however other causes such a infections, inflammation or injury can cause the lid to turn in.
Treatment of both conditions commonly requires a surgical procedure to tighten the eyelid and correct its resting position. This normally takes 30-45 minutes per side and is performed under local anaesthesia, however sedation or even general anaesthesia can be required.